ESCO (Energy Service Company) is a financial model offered to enterprises that need to use solar power without the investment capacity. Upon reviewing some certain criteria, SolarBK, as an investor, will provide the entire solution, including consultation, design, construction - installation, operation, financial solution, and service management for the energy system installed at the client’s business-production premise (factories, residential areas, hotels, enterprises, etc.). The investor collects earnings based on the energy-saving efficiency brought by this system.
- The system is also assured of power efficiency and service quality
- The power selling price is equal to or lower than the current power price published by EVN.
- No prepayment and deposit required.
- During the contract term, SolarESCO is responsible for the operation, maintenance, installation and recycling of the system.
- Remote management technology via (Solar System Operation Center - SSOC) to uphold professional maintenance and prompt troubleshooting if any.